Thursday, February 12, 2009

Shakespeare on Racing

Theories on racing abound. Some runners sit and meditate before racing. Others whip themselves into a frenzy. Some run cold, some run hot.

Here are two Shakespearean antagonists, each expressing perfectly one of the two extremes.

For those who run with ice in their veins, channel the righteous avenger:
Macduff: I have no words; / My voice is in my sword . . .

For those who run with their hair on fire, channel the tragic hero:
Macbeth: Lay on, Macduff, / And damn’d be him that first cries, “Hold, enough!”

Who, may I ask, are you?


tyler513 said...

Well I want to ask, who are you?!

I think I'm a combination of both, but if I had to pick one, I guess I'm more Macduff

Unknown said...

And there's always: "Things won are done. Joy's soul lies in the doing" A universally viable approach to life's challenging events - ala Shakespear.

Keep on keepin' on!!!