Friday, March 14, 2008

Road Rage

I rarely post about my runs, but I have to post this. I ran three miles today in my old Brown Crew sweatshirt because all my high tech gear was wet. At the end of my run, I take a left at a small four way intersection (from Corey Ave to Summit Road). I had the light, so I cut across the intersection, and continue on my way. And then this horn starts blaring behind me. I move to my right (the road is more than big enough for a car and a runner) and look to my left. As this big Mercedes rolls past this ninety year old man and his ninety year old wife both glare at me and both give me the finger! Both! And as they drove away I saw in their window a bright Harvard decal and thought: Damn, I hope I have that much venom when I get old. Then I ran past them at the next light and blew them a kiss. Go Bruno.

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