Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ode to the Treadmill

To commemorate the first snowfall of the season here in the District, I thought I would extol the virtues of indoor training. Most runners (most athletes) prefer training outside. I understand this. Runners are a free-spirited flock, and prefer the open air to air conditioning. Moreover, runners generally associate indoor training with injury. Yet most runners abhor no mechanical apparatus more than the treadmill (which you can use only if you can, well, run). Most runners despise the "dreadmill" and have nothing nice to say about it. Rancor and enmity best reserved for more pressing matters are lavished on it. I seem to enjoy being contrary, however, so I will defend the noble machine.

Like running on spinning sandpaper? No. Think of floating across rolling clouds of downy feathers. Like being confined to a hamster wheel? No. Free your mind and in your imagination you will soar -- no need to worry about cars, pedestrians, or inclement weather. Training for Boston? Run hills. Training for Chicago? Run flats. Run fast? Run slow? Choose whatever speed you like.

In these gloomy days, when running before or after work means running in the dark and cold, I say: Run inside! Remember, April 20 will likely be 60 degrees, not 16 degrees. So run on the treadmill. I do.

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