Sunday, October 5, 2008

What Arbeit Eats II

Welcome back. Here is my favorite work lunch. Could not be simpler or quicker or healthier. But the key (for me at least) is that this lunch is filling. (I should note that I run in the morning and never eat breakfast. I do not want to hear the objections. I have read all the same Runner's World articles about eating within an hour after you run.)

1 container (17.6 oz) Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt (yes, the big pink one)
1 large peach
2 bananas
Some health cereal (whole grain, low fat, low sugar, zero fun)

Chop bananas and peach: put into container. Top with some cereal (a handful). (The cereal will lose some crunch. If that bothers you, put your cereal in a plastic bag.)

At lunch, open your Fage and stir well. Then just scoop some yogurt, grab some fruit, and you are ready to go. Tons of protein. (And carbs, if you go heavy on the cereal.)

I also bring five or six apples for lunch. This gets me through the day. (Fine: I chew gum and drink herbal tea, too.)


Unknown said...

You're like the runner's Rachael Ray. Loving these little educational sessions.

Unknown said...

It's no Michael Phelps 10,000 calorie diet, but it's much more appetizing! I LOVE the Fage yogurt!!