Sunday, April 13, 2008


Again, I seem to be . . . different. Everyone on the team has been raving about taking the last two weeks before the race easy. Have I? No. This is my least favorite time. I even dislike the word (a homophone of this delightful rhinoceros relative). I want to run hard -- I want to race! Are the Kenyans resting this week? Yes? Then I need to exploit this opportunity and run more! More speed, more distance! I need to carpe diem! (Although even at my peak I probably ran less than those champions are running now . . .)

One of my teammates prompted our Coach to ask me my definition of a very slender candle. I reluctantly explained that I would simply tell him that I was running less than I actually was. In his eyes I saw curiosity, pity, and alarm. He almost smiled, then said, "Seriously, rest."

Anything you say, Coach. But training for NYC starts April 22!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK Jeff,

It's "taper" not "tapir":-)

That 10" candle is a "Taper" Candle.

So, "Pluck" the day - and chill - I know you will!

The 21st comes before the 22nd - first things first.

And B (oston) comes before N (ew York).

CU soon - Coach

PS Why did you not tell me of your blog??? I have my suspicions as to why - or why not:)