Thursday, April 3, 2008

Place Your Bets!

I have one final incentive for you, my loyal readers and donors. Win a prize if you guess how fast I run the Boston Marathon on April 21!

Here are the rules:
With every $20 donation, send me your best guess as to what my official time on race day will be. The slowest time that is still faster than my official time will win. That is, do not overshoot. (For example, if I run 2:54:00, 2:51:00 will beat 2:55:00, and 2:52:00 will beat both.)

Send me your guess and shirt size (XS-XL) by April 18.

ps Here is some help. I must run 3:10:00 to qualify for 2009, and I will do everything I can to qualify. I want to break 3:00:00. If I feel good, I will go after 2:55:00 (to qualify again for New York). If I feel fantastic, I will go after 2:50:00. (Use the McMillan Running Calculator to see the marathon equivalents of my official race times.)

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