Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Arbeit Reads Austen

The Bluestocking Runner did not just win our bet -- she crushed me. I barely ran ten minutes faster than she did, let alone thirty. (Did I ever mention she won the BAA Half Marathon in 2001 and 2002? She is a rockstar. She said the Women's Marathon Olympic Trials inspired her.) See the results for the 112th Boston Marathon here.

I will begin Pride & Prejudice tomorrow, and I promise to read Emma, Persuasion, and Sense & Sensibility as well. (Mansfield Park too? Fine, I will read them all this summer. The BR and I race again on November 2 in NYC. New race, new bet, new author.) I look forward to many hours of delightful Victorian romance this summer. Could be worse.

Nixon: 3:05:25
Arbeit: 2:52:24

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the race! (Also, reading Austen is less taxing than running 26.2 miles.)