Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Place Your Bets!

I have one final incentive for you, my loyal readers and donors. Win a prize if you guess how fast I run the 113th Boston Marathon on April 20!

Here are the rules:
With every $20 donation, send me your best guess as to what my official time on race day will be. The slowest time that is still faster than my official time will win. That is, do not overshoot. (For example, if I run 2:39, 2:36 will beat 2:40, and 2:37 will beat both.)

Send me your guess and shirt size (XS-XL) by April 17.

ps Here is some help. I ran 2:52 last April, and I ran 2:47 in NYC. This year, I want to break 2:40 (6:07 per mile). If I feel fantastic, I will go after 2:37 (6:00 per mile).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahhhh Jeff I am so excited for you! I'm going to donate again but will have to wait until tomorrow as my wallet is in the car and, alas - even in the face of all of your crazy running schedules - I am too lazy to go get it. Will make note to do so tomorrow though. Kick ass and take names friend! We will all be rooting for you!!!